In 2013, Solos & Plantas Laboratory emerged. The company provides agronomic analysis services with quality, agility, and applied knowledge aimed at meeting all the demands of the regions where it operates.
With units in the states of Mato Grosso, São Paulo, and Pará, the Solos & Plantas Agronomic Analysis Laboratory becomes accessible to Producers, Consultants, and Resellers from all regions of Brazil. Mastery of laboratory techniques and knowledge of local agricultural practices provide personalized service and add skills to the services provided.
A futuristic vision drives the company to provide clients with quality and knowledge, combined with technology to efficiently conduct studies and provide reliable results for farmers’ decision-making. For example: soil analysis in land preparation, seed analysis before sowing, leaf analysis in crop monitoring, and disease analysis (nematological and fungal) if your crop shows symptoms.
Farmers and Agricultural Consultants find in our Agronomic Analysis Laboratory the necessary advantage to achieve maximum profitability at a fair and perfect value, receiving qualified and personalized service wherever they are and for all other agronomic analyses.
The client’s needs motivate Solos & Plantas Laboratory to implement work systems and agronomic trials that cater to all occasions.
Solos & Plantas Laboratory serves all of Brazil.
Get in touch with the nearest unit to you.
Unidade Paragominas/PA
91 99241-8159
Av. dos Ipês, 740 – QD 25 LT 16 – B. Juparanã
CEP: 68.629-024
Parceiro Ariquemes/RO
Terras - Análises Ambientais
69 3535-4514 / 69 99944-0871
Rua Cacaueiro, 1903 - setor 01
CEP: 76.870-130
Unidade Sinop/MT
66 99978-0533
Av. Colonizador Enio Pipino, nº 5767
Setor Industrial Norte
CEP: 78.550-542
Parceiro Tapurah/MT
Mega Agro Consultoria Agronômica
66 3547-2540 / 66 99996-1819
Av. Paraná, 1349 – Centro
CEP: 78.573-000
Unidade Sorriso/MT
66 3544-5637 / 66 99931-6580
Av. Idemar Riedi, 9582 – Industrial I
CEP: 78898-084
Parceiro Nova Mutum/ MT
Bravo Tecnologia Agrícola
65 99634-8710
Av. Perimetral das Samambaias, 505 – Centro
CEP: 78.450-000
Unidade Água Boa/MT
66 3468-3846 / 66 99667-0924
Rua 01, nº1031 – Centro II
CEP: 78.635-000
Unidade Luís Eduardo Magalhães/BA
77 99843-5601
Rua Valdemar Klein, 356 – Jd. Imperial
CEP: 47.864-128
Unidade Rio Verde/GO
64 99955-5300
Av. Lazinho Pimenta nº440, Qd 20, Lt 24-25 - DIMPE
CEP: 75910-595
Parceiro Uberaba/MG
DSM Brasil Ltda
77 99863-9477
Avenida Padre Eddie Bernardes Silva, n° 1441 - Bairro: Lourdes
CEP: 38.035-070
Unidade Assis/SP
18 3322-6006 / 18 99731-3797
Rua Sebastião Mendes de Brito, nº 345 – Jardim Europa
CEP: 19.815-140
Parceiro Piracicaba/SP
Andrios – Assessoria / Microbiologia / Solos
19 3423-9502
Rua Cezira Giovanoni Moretti, 600 Box 2 – Jd. Santa Rosa
Parque Tecnológico de Piracicaba
CEP: 13.414-157
O Laboratório Solos & Plantas atende todo Brasil.
Entre em contato com a unidade mais próxima de você.
Hello, I’m Renato, CEO and Founder of Solos & Plantas Laboratory. Our Agronomic Analysis Laboratory has the mission of providing our clients with reliable analysis reports, carried out by top-notch professionals adhering to the strictest quality standards. With recognition, respect, and encouragement, we have a team of over 100 professionals, including PhDs, Masters, and Specialists in Soil Science, Soil Management, Nematology, Seeds, Microbiology, Chromatography, and Analytical Chemistry, educated at the country’s leading academies (Esalq-USP, UFV, UFLA, UEL, UFMT, UNESP). Our technical team at the Agronomic Analysis Laboratory is highly qualified and interconnected, fostering the exchange of knowledge and analytical practices. Our processes are managed by a management system based on the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. Each Unit independently participates in the country’s main Proficiency Tests (PAQLF – Embrapa Solos / IAC / PIATV-Esalq), always striving for the best result for your sample. Count on us at all times. Best regards!
Renato C. Alves Filho
CEO and Founder – Solos & Plantas Laboratory
If the market demands more quality, the laboratory is ready to meet and exceed expectations. The certificates ensure the continuous evolution of knowledge and technology.
See which analyses will enhance your productivity:
Soil analysis is the primary and most efficient tool to assess soil fertility and serves to provide parameters to determine the need for liming and fertilization to promote optimal conditions for plant development.
The seed analysis is conducted to determine the maximum potential for germination and vigor of a seed batch, which can be used to compare the quality of different batches and estimate their value for field sowing.
Plant Tissue Analysis is essential for determining the elements absorbed by the plant, assessing their interactions, and verifying the efficiency of fertilization and liming.
The analysis of fertilizers, raw materials, and amendments is important to ensure the quality of the input acquired by the producer in terms of concentration and type of raw material used in the mixture.
Colony-forming units count.
It consists of the extraction, quantification, and identification of phytonematodes that cause damage to agriculture.
It involves diagnosing diseases in soil and plant samples by isolating and cultivating fungi and bacteria.
Bromatology studies food, its chemical composition, its action in the body, its nutritional and caloric value, its physical, chemical, toxicological properties, as well as adulterants, contaminants, frauds, etc.
Find the right path long before you start planting
Through analysis, you gain clarity on the amount of fertilizer needed for your crops, thus avoiding waste and increasing your farm’s productivity.
Peace of mind: amidst numerous variables and uncertainties, what you can do, you do.
Blindfolded eyes: it’s like having a blindfold removed from your eyes. Now, you know exactly what soil you have and how to manage it.
Continuous improvement: ongoing soil analysis enables accurate fertilization, interference diagnosis, and refinement of fertility levels.
Greater security: with analyses and clarity, better harvests occur, bringing more financial security, quality of life for your family, and admiration from fellow farmers.
Have you ever thought about that?
What is the true cost of not conducting the right analyses on your farm?
Loss: without proper analysis, you rely on guesswork, incorrectly fertilizing and correcting, losing money before planting and even after harvesting.
Risks: without analysis, you create avoidable risks, with a higher chance of having a poor harvest and being unable to pay the bills in the end.
Too much work: can you imagine working like crazy all year to find out it was all for nothing due to a soil imbalance and lack of a more comprehensive and professional analysis of your farm?
Your finances: few things are certain in this world, one of them is: if you fertilize without analysis, you’ll spend more than you should, with serious risks of worsening the harvest down the line.
Your health: stress is one of the leading causes of premature death worldwide. Beyond the uncontrollable climate, if we don’t get the fertilizer, seed quantities, and management right with good analysis, everything worsens.
Your family: as the ancients said: without money, there is no poetry; how does your family fare if the crops fail? How responsible are you for this risk?
Think: if over the next 5 years, you don’t conduct any type of analysis on your farm and base everything on guesswork, what will the quality of your harvests be like? Will you still be in the market? Will you still be able to compete with all the others who did?
With various units across Brazil and excellence in quality soil analysis, the company develops solutions for those aiming to grow. Check out the testimonials of those who chose not to lose profitability.
A crop always begins with soil analysis where it will be sown, and after the necessary corrections are made, new analyses should be constantly carried out over the years. For this, we need a reliable soil laboratory that delivers results promptly. Despite being in Poconé, about 500km away, we have trusted Solos & Plantas Laboratory since 2016 for our analyses. Besides the partnership, they consistently meet our deadlines and provide consistently reliable results.
We are very pleased with the Solos & Plantas laboratory, which has provided us with quality results, quick delivery, and excellent customer service. They also honored us with a unit here in the Araguaia Valley, making life easier for producers working in this promising region!!!
Knowing the soil fertility and its ability to supply nutrients is a fundamental factor for proper management of fertilization and corrections aimed at increasing crop productivity. This diagnosis is based on the history of the areas and soil analysis, where an agile and reliable agronomic analysis laboratory is indispensable. In this sense, the Solos & Plantas Laboratory has been our strong ally.
We were in Tailândia, Pará, touring Oil Palm plantations aiming to enhance the productivity of this crop through chemical, physical, and biological soil management. To establish adequate chemical soil management, it’s crucial to follow these steps: Soil and Plant Sampling, Soil and Plant Analysis (foliar diagnosis), Interpretation and recommendation based on the analyses, and Implementation of the recommendations.
Regarding soil and leaf analyses, they were conducted in a laboratory known for its quality and speed, such as ‘Laboratório Solos & Plantas’ in Sorriso-MT, which now has an additional unit in Paragominas-PA, making it even more accessible for Oil Palm and other crop producers in the state.